I liked it.
It was cute. And short. Humor is better when you can get it over and done with quickly.
I liked it.
It was cute. And short. Humor is better when you can get it over and done with quickly.
Yea, probably. But longer is also cool.
What the HELL??
I have to admit... against my will... I laughed.
Who's giving this less than 5???
Excellent work!
Very sharp!
Closing music made it all worth it.
I liked it!
Better than a lot of the more experienced stuff I've seen! Keeping it short makes it so much better.
Thanks friend! :D
Interesting experimental style. The simple art worked well with the simple story. The wrinkled paper was good, though it moved a bit too fast, I'd say. The crackling sound didn't work, but the music was good. Keep working on this style!
Wow! Is that really was good for you? Thanx for the advice - i'll try more and more )
stop-motion is hard
An 8 just for the animation. That's a ton of work.
Yeah, especially with action figures on a carpet, they can fall over easily lol. Thanks for the rating and comment :D
Nothing earth-shattering, just cute. Competently animated and programmed, (unlike SO many entries here). I liked the ear-bones.
Well made
Hi marks for being so well-designed and executed, but... wha-??
Tampa Bay
Joined on 1/21/10