Okay, keep working on it...
I see what you were going for here, but yeah, I couldn't understand a word they said. Keep working on it!
Okay, keep working on it...
I see what you were going for here, but yeah, I couldn't understand a word they said. Keep working on it!
Okay, you got me!
I'll give you points for successfully tricking me, and for making it brief. And for the A Capella Pee-Wee theme. I liked that.
lol, thanks
Pretty funny.
That was pretty good! I thought it should have ended after the bite, though.
Neat story
That was a really neat little story. Pacing was REALLY slow, though. Almost lost me at the beginning.
Good, that's what I like to hear! Next thing I'm working on when it comes to animation is timing. Thank you!
just bad
Not a bad idea, but... The title made me click on it, so it was an idea I wanted to see, but this is so poorly executed... sorry. I hope you'll work on it and make it better. 1 star for the title.
no deal
Tremendous achievement! I liked this SO much more than Avatar! LOL
Uhh... wow
Great work. I have no idea what it is, but it was entertaining and well-made.
Actual claymation, wow!
I have to give this high marks just for being REAL stop motion animation! Wow, who goes to the trouble anymore! Good work!
Tampa Bay
Joined on 1/21/10